2018/10/15 Timothy Davis:Learning from the past: Improving and maintaining water quality requires science, policy and endurance

讲座题目:Learning from the past: Improving and maintaining water quality requires science, policy and endurance

主讲人:Timothy Davis 终身副教授

主持人:陈雪初 副教授


讲座地址:闵行校区 生科辅楼208室

主办单位:生态与环境科学学院 科技处

       Timothy Davis为美国博林格林州立大学(Bowling Green State University)副教授,美国EPA科学委员会顾问(EPA’s Board of Scientific Counselors),密歇根大学兼职研究员,曾任美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)五大湖环境研究实验室主任研究员。从事浮游植物生态学(有害藻华),分子生物学以及水体富营养化等方面的研究。Timothy Davis研究员先后在石溪大学,格里菲斯大学,加拿大环境局,NOAA等机构进行科学研究,具有丰富的科研经历和实际工作经验。其从事有害蓝藻水华的研究已有十年之久,近期其关于有毒蓝藻水华动态变化机制研究受到国际瞩目。作为蓝藻水华领域国际著名学者,Timothy Davis近年承担营养盐对有害藻华的影响,基因组学以及藻毒素等方面的多项课题,并且已在EST等相关领域高水平杂志上发表文章二十余篇。


      For many decades, Lake Erie has oscillated between being the poster child for poor water quality and environmental health due to human activity to a global example of a successful large lake restoration.  Currently, Lake Erie is once again experiencing the symptoms of nutrient pollution, harmful algal blooms and hypoxic zones, also known as low oxygen regions.  Harmful algal blooms, that primarily occur in the western basin, have caused human health scares due to contaminated drinking water as well as economic losses to the region.  Recently, the State of Ohio listed the open waters of Lake Erie as impaired due to harmful algal blooms.  Dr. Davis will discuss the global trends in degrading water quality and the increasing prevalence of harmful algal blooms, lessons learned from the past, the current state of the science as well as what needs to continue in the future to reduce the size, duration and toxicity of harmful algal blooms in western Lake Erie.