2023/12/01 Benjamin Hall:Gaining insights into biological systems using lasers

讲座题目:The impact of physical factors and processes on the functioning of aquatic ecosystems: Lake Kinneret as a case study

主  讲 人:Benjamin Hall

主  持 人:宋坤 副教授


会议地点:闵行校区 资环楼273室



Benjamin Hall is founder of Lasers for Innovative Solutions (L4iS) based out of Seattle, Washington. Ben worked in the Applied Research Laboratory (ARL) at Pennsylvania State University on laser/material interaction and applications research after serving in the Navy. It was at ARL where he invented Laser Ablation Tomography (LATscan), a rapid full color 3D imaging technology, after being approached by researchers at the horticulture department, and subsequently founded L4iS in 2012. LATscan has found most success in the agrochemical industry, with crop scientists utilizing it for a variety of applications including high-throughput phenotyping, root-soil and plant-pest interactions, biomimetics, pesticide efficacy, etc.


Botanical research traditionally involves slicing plant samples, using histological stains to emphasize specific tissues, and then examining them with light microscopy. This method provides extensive detail but is time-consuming, especially for woody vines (lianas) with complex anatomies, resulting in only two-dimensional images. In contrast, Laser Ablation Tomography (LATscan) offers a high-throughput solution, producing hundreds of images per minute. While effective for examining delicate plant structures, its potential for exploring the structure of woody tissues remains largely untapped.